In ‘the Art of Disappearance’ I look for ways to connect archaeology with acting.




My urge to connect different disciplines, people and world-views is bigger than ever.

I believe that there are different views and roads in life.


In my performances as in my visual art I want to make the invisible (emotions), visible.


In my work, I reach out in a generous way and don’t avoid confrontation.

I always try to create a sincere relationship with my audience, without being provocative.

I aspire to bring them closer to themselves,

so that they can discover what they really desire in their life.


Giving space and time, facilitate the possibility to find comfort within oneself.

While I’m aware that I ask a lot from my spectators, I lead them with care.

I love being close to them.


The space as the materials used in the performance is essential.

It adds an extra dimension to the piece.

Details are of great importance in the images I create and the languages I speak.

I feel that they invite the spectator to be more in the here and now.


In all my creations, I look for ways to connect and talk about the dark sides of life without judging.

I search for ways to make vulnerability into / become a strength.

So that you can believe in your own strength, your own essence.



Christine Verheyden

Actress, Visual artist & Creative director

Sometimes it Snows in Egypt

‘Sometimes it snows in Egypt’ is an individual performance 

about what Trust means between two strangers.


The focus in this encounter is completely on the spectator.

The Path / Het Pad

“If you never had the space to say No,

did you ever feel you had permission to truly say Yes and follow your own Path?”


A raw, physical yet poetical experimental documentary (10:32) about the search for different paths in life and embracing the unknown.


I invited Duraid Abbas Ghaieb to go out with a bag filled with wooden planks to build new paths in different landscapes in the city.

Will these changes we make in those landscapes lead to new paths within ourselves?


For more information or the link email me, thank you.


“I see your heart, being hard on you.”


Are you longing for safety?


Is it safer to hide away than to be seen?


The essence of this work is to bring you closer to yourself.

To provide you the time to be able to sit with your discomfort and find ways to comfort yourself


We can be so hard on ourselves that we want to hide from the world and even from ourselves.


What is it that really wants to be seen?


From the beginning HARDT had the intention to protect you.

By making the idea into a physical sculpture, HARDT turned out to be an illusion:


It is better to be seen than to hide!



In partnership with Justin Caine Cavanas. Curated by Erik Haemers.


An additional 8 min performance is available 


A series of 3 art short movies about how to take action with the concepts               


CONTEXT – VALUE – CONTENT                 


and my critical view on it.

”Let’s Smoke Some Art”

”Let’s Post A Painting”

”Let’s Take A Book & Leave 150”



Death is not a clean thing but she is part of life. Whether you want it or not she is there, she surrounds us.


Death is part of all our lives even when we try to avoid and deny it.

Until someone very close passes away. Then we realize we don’t know what to do with all our grief and sorrow.


In REST / RUST the spectator faces life from death.


REST takes you on an individual trip to your personal relationship with grief, sorrow and death.

You can ask yourself, what are my wants, needs and desires in this lifetime?


Concept, text and performance:

Christine Verheyden and Leen Diependaele

Art Direction: Leen Persoons

Coaching: Leen Persoons and Jan Geers

Support visitors: Mia Fabry

With the support of STUK – Leuven, The Flemish Community, family and friends


      The dossier is available to read, just email me

A Verybeautifuldeath / Een Beeldschonedood

This is a performance about being.


A young woman asks herself who is she?

What does she want? And what is her part in the adventure that seems to begin with her lover?


The eyes of love can also see us with ”a beautiful Death.”(Quevedo)


Yesterday has passed

Tomorrow did not come

Today elapses endlessly

I am an I – was

I – will – be

I – am – tired



Concept, Text and Performance: Christine Verheyden

Coach: Steven Beersmans and Leen Diependaele

Music: KTL (Track 06) ° Messiaen (Volumina – org) ° Nadja (Ossification)

Inspiration: Miriam van Hee – Carlos Fuentes – Sasmira

To Ascend

An icon.

She will appear for you.

Ecstasy or confusion.

you’re allowed to stand.

Christine Verheyden wants to debate the innocence and femininity in religions.

‘To Ascend’ is her answer to it.

Read Anne Provoost essay: ‘Beminde Ongelovigen. Atheïstisch sermoen’

With the support of STUK, Leuven and the Fashion museum of Hasselt.


An unbeliever asks:

Nowadays, people are mostly talking about murder and manslaughter when they talk about religion.

I hope you do not think I say this, just because I’m an atheist I am only trying to discover why religion doesn’t realize the opposite: love and tolerance.

Religious people always believe everyone will agree with them. That’s because they try to convince people with friendly words, which they believe will express the truth of life there are convinced of holding. You wouldn’t listen to my arguments (an unbeliever) because making me believe is your first goal and I’m afraid that a conversation is therefore quite impossible.

I would love to know if you, as a believer, would have an inner struggle if you had to murder someone?


A believer answers:

Religion has always ruled people’s lives.

I am a religious person, but even without that, I would have an inner struggle if I had to murder somebody.

One should always be friendly. But I know men often commit murder.

Or beat someone to death because he doesn’t like his way of behaving.

But it should be forbidden.

My faith forbids it. Happily. Because, I believe otherwise everyone would want to kill those who don’t agree with him. I am not bloodthirsty.

But occasionally, I must control myself.

Then I am glad I have my faith.

348 Wall at the temple of Amon, Karnak