SCREEN - fragments from episode leads in series

(for STAGE & VOICE keep scrolling down)

Undercover S1 E6 SIRENS

A drug deal with a new associate leaves Ferry and John on edge. Bob and Kim feel the effects of their forced closeness. Danielle breaks into her stash.

Episode directed by Eshref Reybrouck, produced by DeMensen for één and Netflix

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Professor T S2 E6 DIAMANT

A tiger kidnaping goes wrong and the Professor (Koen De Bouw) can not trust his own judgement anymore.

Directed by Indra Siera, produced by DeMensen for één

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JADE (full short - 8 min - French)

A modern Romeo and Julia story

Directed by Magali Daems, a Narafi production

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STAGE - theatre for young audiences


What is most precious thing you have lost so far? ---- How do we communicate if we do not speak the same language? ---- When does a story begin and end?

A theatrical adventure where stories and boundless imagination take you into a library world where nothing is what it seems. Or is it?


Press Quote:

LOST tells the story of Verheyden & Dero themselves - A book amongst books. Its great to see how both ladies rely on their crazed imagination to deal with loss; how it brings them together, also as regards emotions and language. (...) When Verheyden's poetic language and Dero's idiosyncratic object theatre meet, the audience is truly moved. - DE MORGEN, L. Laveyne




Concept, Text, Play: Christine Verheyden & Audrey Dero

Scenography, props: Audrey Dero, Christine Verheyden, Griet Herssens

Artistic advice: Johan De Smet

Technique: Jeroen Doise, Sebastien Van Huffel, Korneel Moreaux, Jan-Simon De Lille

Thanks to: Geoffrey Brusatto, France Everard, Oriane Varak



SUITCASECHILD is a fragile and captivating story about what “home” means to a child.

This play is a vital monologue, unabashed, subtle and full of surprises.

The quest of the character starts in an Egyptian tomb where she meets a man who is dead and loaded with gifts.

Isn’t she also a great gift? Why can’t she go with him?


Children feel a lot more than we, adults think. SUITCASECHILD is a performance for you and your children from 10+



Concept, text and performance: Christine Verheyden

Coach: Stefan Perceval

Costuum: Saartje Vereecke




Two crazy professors, Max and Ted of Mad Max Security are here in Belgium to secure all posh neighbourhoods.

They come straight from Washington where they did the full option security for the White House.

They will be testing these new techniques over here and end up in a rollercoaster of intrigues.

Why is there no light in villa ‘'Coin Perdu’? Why is the villa of 'the Lucht sisters' so dangereus? Is it true that 'Mr Le Bouffe' can’t speak?


Welcome to the world of…cameras, fences, gates, alarm installations… or is playing outside without those things just more fun?

VILLA is a live Action Hero performance for you and your children 8+



Text: Jan Geers, Christine Verheyden and Leen Diependaele - Max: Christine Verheyden - Ted: Leen Diependaele

Coach: Michaël Vandewalle

Art design and costume: Regina Van Eijden

Co-production: C-mine Genk


VOICE - Animation

for commercial samples email me

PLANKTON INVASION is the first animated series that deals with the serious subject of climate change from a comedy angle.

I give my voice to 'Doctor Anna Medusa. The Rebel Princes.'

She is gifted with exceptional powers and knowledge. Anna glows in the dark and can make herself transparent, like most jellyfish.

She has astounding strength and agility, even put a sea elephant to sleep just by touching him with her tentacles coated with a powerful anesthetizing poison.



Created by Joeri Christiaen -




DIMITRI is a small bird who spends a large part of the year in Europe.

When winter comes and food is scarce, his family migrates to Africa. During one migration, Dimitri and his family land on the plain of Ubuyu.

His sense of curiosity leads him away from his group but Dimitri has not been abandoned, he knows that his parents will be back to collect him in spring, when the flock heads back north. In the meantime he has soms crazy adventures!


I give my voice to the chameleon 'Badou' and the aardvark 'Kimbou'



Created by Agnes Lecreux

Directed by Agenes Lecreux, Ben Tesseur & Steven De Beul

Produced by Vivement Lundi!, Beast Animation & Nadasdy Film - Co production by Ketnet, France Televisions & Mollywood

Sound by Image & Sound Factory

Supported by VAF, Screen Flanders & Belgian Tax Shelter





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